This series of monobloc cremators, made in a single aluminum fusion, is the result of all our experience in the field of combustion applied to medium-high power cremators. This is possible because they are equipped with an independent electric motor behind the diesel pump. The range is articulated with powers from 1314 kW to 8000 kW, using a reflux nozzle that allows a regulation range of 1:3. To vary the stroke, a variable profile blade acts on a regulator that changes the pressure of the fuel in the return of the nozzle and, therefore, the balance. The cremator incorporates the electric quad that contains the cremator control devices and the synoptic with the possible modulating temperature or pressure regulators, with lamps for signaling the operating phases and possible anomalies. Furthermore, each installation includes equipment that diversifies it according to the equipment:
- electronic or mechanical regulation
- oxygen control
- built-in or separate panel (wall-mounted or on a lectern)